Homepage of Olaf Flebbe


Apache Bigtop http://bigtop.apache.org The upstream project of almost all Big Data distributions.

msktutil https://github.com/msktutil An AD keytab management tool for Unix/Linux

Some Presentations (more to be added)


Python Performance 4 Plants and Profit Linuxtag Tübingen. Github Repository pp4pp

Attacking IoT Developers Apache Roadshow EU Berlin


Attacking a Big Data Developer, ApacheCon Big Data EU Seville.


Android NDK: Die ABI und die API Linuxtag Berlin


Sicherer im Internet Wildermuth Gymnasium Tübingen.


Linuxprojekte seit 1993 Linuxtag Stuttgart


Portabel Programmieren: Linux Developer Days und Linuxtag Stuttgart

Past Projects

Pictures from the 1st Linux Congress at Heidelberg 1994

Perl 5.6.1 for the Psion5

Python 2.2.1 for the Psion5

The Psion3 Link Protocol

The Psion5 C++ SDK for Linux.

Compiling FlightGear with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.

A wrapper for an authentication package for Windows

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